
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Adsense Quick start from blog

blogger is probably the easiest way to get online with adsense fast.The site is already online you dont have to worry about graphics and the domains all set up.

All you have to do in just sign up, write and earn.
Step 1: Surf to
Complete the registeration page, choose a name for your blog and pick a template.
Step 2: Apply for adsense trough blogger
Another form, Another five minutes.It will take a day or two days before your application is approved.In the mean time, you can play with bloggers adsense preview tools.
Step 3: Write your first blog entry
Not sure what to write?Shair it with your friends and family they will tell you spout of about a story in the news, put up pictures for your friends to doesn't matter.Everyone has some one that occupies their mind.Ones you've done its ones you'll see hoe easy it can be and how adictive.
Step 4: Play with your ads
Ones adsense has approved your appliction you will be able to play with your ads.You can change the colours, fix the font size, remove the border and move them into the sidebar if you wish.You can get eveything geared for and ready for..

Step 5: Bring a Traffic
Its taken a minutes to get setup your site ads.Now you have to let people know that you are online, You have to start by telling your friends, swapping links on your favourite sites and submitting your site to search engines.Hold on the paid advertising tough until you've got enough content to make it worthwile. You are rolling

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